Wind is blowing every day.

The last days the wind turned to south east and thats the typical direction here in Capetown. Since 5 days its nuking with up to 50 knots all the time. We made some trips to get a little bit away from the wind or we went out really early to get lighter winds. We also made some sick pictures. You find some of them in the gallery.

Yesterday we have been in the hills on lake Brandvlei. It was a cool training das with moderate wind and super warm water. Nice to ride in shorts again. In the evening we had a flashlight session and the pics are great.

2 Responses to “Wind is blowing every day.”

  1. Tinis words are:

    Hola chico!!!!
    NA NET SCHLECHT :) he auf dem ersten bild mitm aaron schaust du dermassen auftrainiert aus, alter schwede!!!!
    sind des jetzt scho die neuen schirme?
    i freu mi scho so dermassen auf SA!!!!

  2. markuss words are:

    need new video ^^ gogo :DDD
