The days in Southafrica

Time is moving and my training here in Captown is almost over soon… I have two more weeks now to get my tricks going and to enjoy this incredible place on earth. I had so many good sessions the last days and I’ll put some Teasers of new Video up here. They are all made with my new Samsung HMX20C. Thanks Samsung for that nice cam. You can make videos in superslomotion which looks awsome.

Brandvlei KL2HP

Brandvlei S-Bendpass

Brandvlei Slim

BigBay FM5

Tomorrow morning Carina, my girlfriend is coming to Capetown. Can’t wait to see her again. So I will change my daily routine a little bit. Not only training… Also shopping, sightseeing and partying.


2 Responses to “The days in Southafrica”

  1. Biancas words are:

    wuhu mike :D

    i must tell you something.. my englisch is very bad :D

    soo.. i’m very proud of my big brother, he’s the best! the photos are quite nice.. some of them are boring but i can imagine how great kiting is! your storries on you web side.. it sounds perfect & funny but you must know that i don’t understad it really.

    you? chilläx the time with carina in capedown. i “freuen” me when you come back to austria. then we must celebrate my and carinas birthday :]

    *zum schluss noch ich hoffe da sind nicht all zu viele fehler drinnen! aber in englisch kann i nid so viel denken ;) ich freu mi auf ein wiedersehen. fettes küsschen

    your little sister ;D

  2. The days in Southafrica - welovetokite.coms words are:

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