PKRA Fuerteventura

The Event here on the Spanish island is over and its time to make a review. In the singleelemination everything went pretty good for me and I had a good feeling about my tricks. I could win my first two heats against Peter Tyskevich and Alberto Rondina and lost in the third round in a close 2:3 decision against Aaron Haldow. After the single we started with the double and I had to go against Alberto again. I had a good warm up and I have been super motivated to get the 7th place. Right in front of our heat Alberto and I tangled our kites and we had to swim for 5 minutes till a jetski picked us out of the water. The guy who rescued my kite forgot to close the valves and so I got a lot of water in the tubes. After sorting out everything we started the heat and in the first trick I noticed that my kite was moving to the right side on its own. I had no controll over my kite and I crashed a lot in the Heat. So obviusly I lost that one and had to pack my stuff.

Now I have one more day here on Fuerte and tomorrow I fly to Hamburg to meet my girlfriend there and then we drive to St. Peter Ording where the next Tourstop will happen. I hope that the luck is on my side there.

5 Responses to “PKRA Fuerteventura”

  1. Wohlis words are:

    verdammt! so ein Pech! Hoffe es geht in Deutschland besser!!!

  2. Daniels words are:

    viel glück für Deutschland!!!

  3. Fabelmans words are:

    Kopf hoch, weiter so rocken.

  4. Vivalkakiras words are:

    I’m in love with you, my Adonis.

  5. Carinas words are:

    me too ;)
