“bam oida…” - our latest video

After successful PKRA-event in Leucate we had a little time to produce a new video. My buddy Oli was also there and we had much fun!! We used one trainingsession at Etang Leucate for filming. Unfortunately we had only this one good day with sun there, so the time was limited… Anyway - enjoy this funny stuff in the style of a roadmovie… bam oida!!


“bam oida…” as Windows Media file (ca 115MB) click here

“bam oida…!” as Quicktime file (ca 139MB) click here

You’ll find also the videos together with recent vids at http://www.mikekite.tv/Videos-Frame.htm

Further you’ll find the vid also on Youtube http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=Ynblrzn9Si8 but the quality there is poor…

On normal PC quality of wmv is a little better as it was neccessary to downsize the mov file to get a reasonable size…

3 Responses to ““bam oida…” - our latest video”

  1. Franzs words are:

    Hi! Öffne den Posteingang von sms.at (dorthin gehn die Retourmails und sms) & geh bei Skype ON, dann sieht man das!

  2. Ralf und Eves words are:

    Hallo MIKE,
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch aus Brasilien für deine ausgezeichnete Leistung in Frankreich !!!!
    Video ist cooooool :))))
    deine Kumpel aus Brazil

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