Last competition for this year…

Yesterday ended the last competition for this season. The KPWT tourstop in Marocco/Essauira. After a pretty windless boring week we got some wind on the last two days. The conditions haven’t been to good and there was not to much wind but still we managed to finish the singels in Freestyle. I was not really happy with my prefomance and got kicked out early by Vincent Tiger from France. So I made it to the 5th lace in this comp. After an exhausting year I was also a bit tired of competing. In the end I got a nice 4th place in the Freestyle overall ranking in the KPWT.

Fabian and Iris from JN Kites also showed up here in Marocco and so I could test some new stuff from next year. I can’t say to much but its gonna be sweet stuff…

Tomorrow I’m going home to Austria to spend some time with my girlfriend and my familiy. Holiday at home or something like that…

3 Responses to “Last competition for this year…”

  1. DADs words are:

    Na scheint, als ob’st die Fassung wieder gefunden hast!
    Grats zu einer doch schoenen Saison!
    Gut heimkommen &
    CU - DAD

  2. Carinas words are:

    bin soooo stolz auf dich - gratuliere!!! hast du wirklich gut gemacht und für mi bist du da beste :D
    freu mi auf diii, bis später und komm gut heim!!

  3. ilse kischs words are:

    Gratuliere Michi,für mich bist auch der Größte ……und der Netteste.Laß es dir noch gutgehen.
    Wünsch euch Allen frohe Weihnachten und a speziell braves Christkindl für di .
