Venezuela …The competition…

So first I have to say sorry for not updating my site so long but the internet here on Coche is a desaster!

Two days ago the competition startet here on Coche Island. After the drawing I noticed that I had no opponent in the first round. Because of my good seeding and that only 27 registred competitors I had a freerun. In round two I had to go against Mike Blomval who had an awsome first heat. I took the wrong kite and was underpowerd the whole heat. I couldn’t even get upwind. So it came like it had to come and I lost. I was pretty pissed but I still had the doubleelemination.

After the single we moved to El Yaque on Isla Magaritha for the doubles. The ridersmeeting was set for today 10 o’ clock and a first possible start at 11. The wind was too gusty and light at this time so we waitet till half past 12 for the first heat. The wind was still light and everybody was underpowerd. My first heat was against Marcek Kozerski from Poland. I was so under on my 12 so it was hard to show some tricks. I managed to do some good stuff and could win. My next opponent was a Russian guy who did nice tricks but I could also win this one. In my third heat i was up against Tom Court. We did both pretty good and had a good heat. It was a really close desicion but I lost.

At the end I got 9th here in Venezuela. I’ m happy with that but now I will train hard to make it better next time.

I’ ll keep you updated if there are some news.

Cheers Mike

One Response to “Venezuela …The competition…”

  1. flo leixs words are:

    supa! gute leistung! nur weiter so!
